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Drivers should be aware on Halloween

On Behalf of | Oct 3, 2017 | Felonies |

With Halloween coming in a few weeks, much attention is being centered on all the children who will be taking to neighborhood streets in search of candy. The Party City commercials should give you a clue. It is an annual tradition here in Grand Rapids; so much so that some people prepare for it just like it is the only holiday of the year.

Just like children look forward to Halloween, adults are likely to take part in costume parties. In these events, it is common for people to bob for liquor infused apples, drink shots and consume mixed drinks. Because of this possibility, and the potential to harm young people, law enforcement officers are likely to be out in force to find drunk drivers. 

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the number of pedestrians injured on Halloween night spikes every year. With that, catching and stopping drunk drivers is an important consideration for law enforcement. Indeed, driving with a blood alcohol level of .08 or above is a crime in the state of Michigan, so you will be arrested if an officer reasonably believes that you are impaired.

A drunk driving conviction in Michigan could lead to thousands in fines, penalties and court costs, in addition to the potential for jail time. However, depending on the circumstances, you may be eligible for lesser penalties, including a stayed sentence as well as time to pay fines that are imposed.

Nevertheless, the prospect of any sentence could be prefaced on the type of representation you have. So it is important to have an attorney well-versed in criminal law if you are arrested for drunk driving.