One of the worst drug crimes to be convicted of is distributing or trafficking. These charges are felonies, and they come with significant penalties. That’s why anyone facing drug charges in Michigan needs to discuss the possibility of a strong criminal defense as soon as possible.
As you may know, drugs are divided into different schedules. Schedule I drugs are the most restricted. Schedule V is the least restricted, usually made up of over-the-counter medications and those with the least chance of being abused. Here’s a little more on these important drug schedules and the drugs they include.
Schedule I
Schedule I drugs are those that have no accepted medical use in the United States and are generally considered illegal (except for rare cases, such as exempted use in a medical setting). They also have a potential for being abused. Some common drugs in this class include marijuana, peyote and heroin.
Schedule II
Schedule II drugs include those with a high potential for abuse. They also include those that are considered dangerous with a risk of dependency. These include Vicodin, oxycodone, fentanyl and other similar medications and illicit drugs.
Schedule III
Schedule III drugs have a moderate or low risk of causing dependency. These include drugs such as testosterone, anabolic steroids, ketamine and codeine.
Schedule IV
Schedule IV drugs have a low risk of causing dependency or leading to drug abuse. Some common Schedule IV drugs you’ll see include Darvocet, Ativan, Tramadol and Xanax.
Schedule V
Finally, there are the Schedule V drugs. These are unlikely to lead to abuse and may not require a prescription. Some include medications like Robitussin AC or Lyrica.
What should you do if you’re accused of distributing drugs?
Being accused of trafficking and distributing drugs is a serious allegation to face. A conviction can lead to heavy fines and penalties as well as a risk of a prison sentence.
It is easy to take a simple possession charge and turn it into more than it was. If you were in possession of drugs that you didn’t have a prescription for or that were illegal, that doesn’t automatically mean that you intended to distribute them.
As with any criminal allegations, it’s best to reach out to an attorney if you’re accused of committing any kind of crime. As soon as you know that you’re being investigated or are arrested, you should take steps to protect yourself through developing a strong defense.