You Need An Advocate When Facing Homicide Charges
With the possibility of life without parole or even the death sentence if convicted, homicide charges are the most serious and intense that a person can face. These charges often spiral out of domestic disputes or allegations of adultery. There are often complex and emotional issues underlying these charges, facts that must be brought to the surface in order to succeed.
The Law Firm of Frank Stanley, PC, uses more than 30 years of criminal defense experience to defend clients accused of homicide or murder, as well as related charges such as negligent homicide, manslaughter and attempted murder. The firm has represented teachers, businessmen, and other professionals in Michigan and nationwide in these felony cases.
Judges And Homicide Cases
In order to be successful, an attorney must understand the nuances of the criminal defense system. These nuances can play an important role in how a case is developed.
For example, it is important for an attorney to understand the mindset of judges when homicide cases go to trial. Some may believe that judges are going to be harsher because of the severity of the crime. That is not necessarily the case. Judges understand what is on the line — life in prison for the defendant — and are particularly careful to review all facts. They do not want to set the stage for an appeal. This detail, although minor on the surface, plays a role in how attorney Frank Stanley and his legal team build a case for trial.
In one of many successes in attempted murder cases, the firm defended a young man involved in a shootout with the police. Life in prison was on the line. After a one month high-profile jury trial, the jury acquitted the client on the assault with intent to murder. The client was convicted of felonious assault, a much less serious offense. The case did not end there. The firm appealed the decision and the lesser convictions were reversed. The client was not retried. Explore more about this and other successes.
Free Consultation With A Grand Rapids Homicide Defense Attorney
Call 616-773-2702 or send an e-mail to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.